In the last few years, my Julys focus on two things: (a) birthdays of family members and friends and (b)…
In the mid of June 2022 I’ve been in a course on social policy organised by Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Romania…
Last week we decided to take a two days trip to Brăila. This is the home town of the boyfriend;…
(7 mins read) We took a relaxing trip to Sighișoara. Here are some pictures.
(10 mins read) We took a three day trip to Sinaia and I learned that, at times, it pays to make some sacrifices and to combine work and play. It may even increase productivity.
It’s time for change on this website. Here’s why!
Spending the birthday at the seaside is a lovely experience. I included some pictures and a short description of how the days were spent.
Dear friends, The Social Work Department of the University of Bucharest is pleased to invite submissions for paper presentations for…
Before I forget, if you have the time and haven’t yet, please FILL IN THIS survey! Thank you! It’s been…
De aproape doi ani lucrez la o cercetare despre rețelele de socializare. În final, după mai multe sesiuni de feedback…
În ciuda unui început cam ploios, căldura din aceste zile mă face să abia aștept să citesc la plajă sau…
(5 mins read) A day in a life – hiking in Brasov <3
(5 mins read) In this post, I am introducing the chapter I wrote in the newest social work book in town. Giving thanks and posting pictures. Hope you’ll take a look at the book and at my chapter.
(3 mins read) Poze din Grădina Botanică pentru cei cu nume de flori. Să ne trăiți
(3 mins read) Câteva poze de la începutul primăverii în 2021. Am pozat magnoliile întâlnite în plimbarea pe care am făcut-o săptămâna aceasta într-un după-amiază târzie.