I find it challenging to decide which is my favourite season. I am sure I like the colder weather, but it seems a bit misleading to just pick on of the four.
What I know for sure is that in a rather profound way autumn makes me happy and reflexive at the same time. I am at peace and amazed by the transition to winter and feel most easily persuaded to take long walks; so I enjoy it all.

I am pretty sure that it’s not just the weather or that the temperatures are more suited for me, but also the context of autumn, when some things which were planned are finally starting and that I am provided with opportunities for a new start.
In one of the autumn’s walks I included a trip to the botanic gardens in Bucharest.

The place is maintained by the Faculty of Biology of the University of Bucharest and seeing it evolve throughout the last ten years brings me joy.

Being at the end of autumn and so close to the end of the years (three weeks left) I am getting even more reflexive on this year’s results, success and failures.

I can’t be the fairest judge of them all, but looking back I am both shocked with how fast this one went by and amazed by how many wonderful new things happened in my life.
Something that worries me lately is that I am having more and more conversations surrounding the impact of the pandemic and its negative ramifications.

Something that brings me joy is returning to some pre pandemic activities I’ve been missing, like being able to go swimming or visiting the book fair.

It’s a rather calm period in my life. Many deadlines to keep me active and at it, but, at the same time, I am grateful for being able to allocate the time as I see fit.
Well, on this autumn note, I am hoping we’ll all have a magical winter.

Make today count!