Summer has been good. First of all, I learned so many new things about myself, like the fact that I can actually focus without sleeping well for five consecutive nights [I really, really thought this was impossible based on how I feel after one night of not sleeping well], I am not dying at 40 Celsius degree weather, I can walk more than 20.000 steps daily easily when I am not working, I can not work for two weeks straight [but that’s not completely true, work during summer is something else], and September is the best month [she said completely aware of how subjective this is].

The month started lovely with a weekend of friends and family over home backed pizza, continued with friends over cake and drinks, followed by more friends and drinks and then ended with being brave despite actually being terrified, made a canine new friend and had an overall amazing end of the month. Of which this post is actually about.

So, we, the boyfriend and I, decided to visit our friends in München over Oktoberfest. When I say we decided this I mean we had two weekends to choose from and basically, based on previous years workload of September decided to take the last weekend, which coincided with Oktoberfest in München. Let’s not leave the impression it was intentional.

We arrived on Wednesday evening and we were picked up from the airport and served delicious pasta – this by itself made the whole trip exciting. On Thursday, after the breakfast, we had a long walk the four of us and the dog in the green gardens of Nymphenburg. I must admit that the highlight was that I was allowed to walk Linda and that was absolutely amazing. Unfortunately there are no pictures of that because…well, long story short, the boyfriend is to be blamed.

We went home, ate something and went to Oktoberfest. We met my friend’s colleagues from work and together had some fun experiences. I will not talk much about the ride they chose, food and the drink I had, but of my decision to try the SkyFall. Now, I learned visiting the same couple in Frankfurt that I am scared of heights. I am still shocked by this because I always liked places with a nice view. Now, I was sure I am afraid of getting 1000 meters up [this is how high I thought I’ll go, it’s just 80 meters and I a drama queen] and then being dropped with the speed of a free fall until the magnetic breaks are reached.

It was amazing. Going up I kept thinking why on Earth would I subject myself to this. During the lift I focused solely on how afraid I was, convincing myself it’s safe and that I won’t fall and decided to not look down or around. At some point I looked at the moon and for some reason that was calming. Such as feeling the arm of the random person sitting next to me. And then we were dropped. That’s when I screamed – it was solely terrifying during the fall and amazing when the magnetic breaks were activated as I instantly knew the probability of something going wrong now were super slim.

One might think that after this experience, the following days could only be less fun. But they weren’t. On Friday we walked around the university and the city center, ate the brezel, went into a bookstore, saw people surfing on a river and watched the sunset from Olympiapark. On Saturday it was time for visiting the BMW museum, walking by Isar, having dinner with even more friends and walking around the city center. Amazingly enough we got to see the interior of the State library in München open at 21:30. Having the libraries open and more accessible is something Bucharest has to start doing.

On Sunday we walked to the Bayern München’s stadium, but I can’t say much about the Stadium – The walk there was nice however. Then we packed and came back home, missing our friends and with new memories. And some coffee.

Make today count!