Coffee was part of my childhood. Among my treasured memories is waking up on Saturday morning at my grandmother’s house and going into the kitchen after washing my face and brushing my teeth (hey, grandma says). By the time I woke up, the sun flooded the kitchen through the rather large window. I would sit at the table, in front of the window, feeling the warmth of the morning’s sun, while my grandmother pours two-three spoons of coffee into my sweetened cup of milk. Best drink ever.
I started reversing the proportions and eliminating milk most of the times in high-school, when my mother prepared it in the morning for me. I usually took it on the go. I loved to have coffee. Having coffee from home (my budget for these expenses was low) or buying it from the school’s shop (where most of my budget was spent) and drinking it during breaks felt like … I am simply there to learn a few things and then go out and conquer the world. I felt so mature and so prepared to get what I need and to move on. Coffee was my witness.
With really brief breaks, of one up to three months (during my time in Germany ironically) I have been drinking coffee every day. And I L-O-V-E I-T! Here’s my five reasons why!
A. It is my buddy. There are days when I need to work on various projects which imply high concentration or, how Cal Newport puts it, deep work. And having a cup of coffee with me simply makes everything more enjoyable. I practically managed to get myself to read and focus by treating myself with a nice cup of coffee from whatever place allowed me to stay on my laptop.
B. It comprises the intimacy of meeting with friends. I am not alone in loving to meet with friends. I am one for deep discussions and it always felt that drinking coffee together while discussing brings the speakers together. It’s not just the talking tough, it is the talking with the warm beverage in front of us that makes us partners in crime. I also believe that over coffee is easier to discuss hard truths and to bond despite differences.
C. It’s my super power. Boy, do I feel energized (watch this video of Mel Robbins for how to interpret the signals) before talking to an audience. And when I have my coffee, I know I have a friend right there with me. It makes me feel more comfortable, while it probably also energizes me. Now, the quantity of coffee drunken that day is important. It happened that I had too much which translated in me talking too much, but experiences made all that better.
D. I know what I am having. Going out is so easy. I know what I am having. My choices are coffee, cappuccino or cafe latte. It sure depends on how much milk I want to have and if any non-dairy milk is available. When not, I go for the former two. I don’t need a menu. I just know, which makes the entire decision making process easier. Sure, it is not recommended for those who love to be out and discuss at length with the waiter. It really saves time to know what you want and the interaction is kept at minimum.
E. Connects me to the world. Well, aren’t we global? Where is it produces? How is it traded? How is it prepared before reaching the store? Answering these questions makes me feel part of something bigger than myself. I am connected to people I don’t know, but who, for some reasons, care for coffee and contribute to my well being. I became more and more aware about the importance of fair trading and the struggles of the producers, which I am trying to support by asking questions about the products I buy. There is still place for improvement though. I love how interconnected we all are.
If drinking coffee is wrong, than I don’t want to ever be right, as the saying/song goes.