(5 min read) //
I am pretty sure I wanted to write much more than just a few words, but I stumbled on not finding an article I wanted to reference here and now it’s time for the next activity. I really, really wanted to post something today, so, here it is.
It is not what it was planned, but as sometimes things are, it can’t be done right at this moment. It will be done in a form or another in the near future.
Now, a side note, before the big announcement. I understand and I actually value modesty. I try to emphasize it in my daily appearance and behavior. But it feels that something was created with tons of support, effort and enjoyment and it shouldn’t remain a secret. So, here it is: I finished my thesis & I will defend it on Thursday, the 28th of March.
It has definitely been a longer journey than expected and I have met and enjoyed the support of amazing persons. I have learned so much and I do hope it the first step in making a real contribution to a better tomorrow. Thus, about how I did it, how I struggled every minute of it and why I hate it’s now at the very end are part of a future conversation.