My love for this city started during my undergraduate studies. It was on my way home home from Bucharest and took the opportunity to make many stops. In time, I’ve collected memories and I started to learn where things are, which makes each stay even nicer. I don’t yet know where everything is, but I know enough to enjoy familiarity while discovering new things.
This is why when the time comes to take a trip somewhere close, I can’t help but insist to make yet another stop in Sinaia.

This time I also had to work, therefore we didn’t do much. We stayed at the hotel, worked a little, watched some winter sports on TV, went to the gym, but also took long walks around the city centres, Peles castle and the wonderful park by the casino.

The snow started falling in the first morning, while we were taking our post breakfast walk to Peles Castle. I realised that maybe heels needed to have replaced with the boots, but it was too late for regrets so I focused on keeping my balance – which I did.

Later that day we took another walk and, not much later, I went to bed, although it was quite early on a Friday night. But there comes a time when going to bed at 8.30 pm is the way to live.

The next day started in a similar manner, with breakfast and a visit to the castle. We continued with work, a late lunch and another walk around the city.

On Sunday we ate breakfast and went to a walk and then packed our bags and went home.

I must say I was dreading this trip because the winter holiday is officially starting on 24th of December and I have work things I still need to finish by the end of the month.
All in all, this year I managed to do better at managing stress and meeting deadlines. It was mostly because I had a schedule and tried my best to stick to it. Which, again, implies hard work and sometimes saying no to friends and hobbies and house chores.

The moral of the story is that, at times, it’s nice to change the scenery. It may be uncomfortable, it may require some distancing from the routines, it may include some uncertainties, but it may also bring joy.
Make today count! Happy holidays!