Whenever something really good happens in my life, like publishing something new, I can’t help noticing how much other people helped me.
This new chapter I published in the brand new book coordinated by Doru BUZDUCEA, Context social, cunoaștere și acțiune în asistență socială [Social context, knowledge and action in social work] is another example of team work. Sure, I did the thinking, reading, writing and rewriting, but it’s so much more than this.
It started with the coordinator of the book, professor Buzducea, who first invited me contribute and then encouraged and supported me to finalise it.
The chapter got done with support from students who were willing to be interviewed and to explain how they use social media; each interview was insightful and provided diverse stories and experiences, even though the group was rather homogeneous.
The writing and rewriting was done with support from the boyfriend who was extremely patient with me and met me on zoom on numerous occasions in the evenings for some romantic proofreading.
The chapter is part of the larger project in which my coordinator, professor Florin LAZĂR provides feedback and recommendations on numerous drafts until an improved final version arises.
This project is done within the postdoctoral programme of the Interdisciplinary School for Doctoral Studies, where I found the needed flexibility and support.
The book looks great because the editor and staff of Tritonic Books took care of the manuscript.
To write thirty pages it takes colleagues and friends, students and mentors, family and focus. I am really grateful and thankful to all for making my work great. Any errors are mine.
I am really proud of the work and if you are interested to read it, the book is available in Romanian on the publisher’s website, Tritonic Books. Will be linked HERE soon.
Make today count.