(5 mins read) In this post, I am introducing the chapter I wrote in the newest social work book in town. Giving thanks and posting pictures. Hope you’ll take a look at the book and at my chapter.
(15 mins read) In this post I look back at the last year on how much I learned regarding online teaching. I heard people mentioning the phrase “forced experiment” in relation to our ‘new normal’. I must say, I can’t but use this opportunity to learn about the ups and downs of virtual learning and consider its role in my work. Make today count!
(5 mins read) My plans for the next few weeks. All about planning and secrets about teachers’ vacations 😍
(7 mins read) Pentru că predau pentru prima dată în viața mea în mediul online, sunt lecții și lecții pe care le învăț. M-am gândit să le scriu aici pentru că s-ar putea să rezoneze și cu tine în această perioadă. Tu cum te descurci în mediul online?
(10 mins read) I finished my thesis in March 2019 but I still think about it all. It was a process and I’ve learned a lot. I am sharing some of the knowledge here. In the first part, you will laugh at my naivete and failure. Stick until the end for practical tips. Make today count!
(8 mins read) Today (05.10) is Teacher’s Day. I am writing about the first day of the academic year, as something our Dean said at the opening festivity offered me the opportunity for reflection. And I barely ever miss a chance [modesty talking]! Wishing all those teaching out there a focused academic year and, from the famous hit, Gaudeamus Igitur: `Vivat academia! Vivant professores!`
Make the day count!
(5 mins read). Summer semester at the Faculty of Sociology and Social Work for the 3rd year students is over. It also means that part of my work, about a half of it, is over as well.
(10 mins read) In this post I present some personal reflections on defending my thesis event from Thursday, 28.03.2019, and give thanks to the awesome persons who guided me and who stood by me during the last four years.