One month with less social media: results

Lisbon, 2020

This post is not going to be a long one because this, like the past several, is going to be another working weekend. But because I missed last week’s post, I wanted to make and update on my digital detox experience of May 2020.

I’ve spent a month with less social media and I must say, I found so many loopholes.

I can’t state I did a one month digital detox because it’s not true. What I did was to distance myself from some/most social media consumption. But I spend more than 10 hours in front of my computer and over time I developed habits which are connected to various platforms.

For instance, while working out or cleaning the house I listen to something on the phone. I deleted the apps on the phone and it turned out I didn’t like to use the browser version that much. As a result, in the last couple of weeks my workouts have been less regular. Thus the app goes back on the phone, because I want to workout and listening to songs while working-out worked great for me. The trick is to keep my consumption to working-out and to work-out whenever I want to use the app.

I kept checking my e-mail, but I deal with it twice each day. That’s enough to keep my work life balanced. In order to do the work, I don’t need the e-mail open all day.

Social media apps…Well, these really don’t need to be on my phone. So, I will take the advice I read from Cal Newport and use it only on my browser. The trick here is that I don’t like to be at my computer much, but my work requires it. Thus, my social media consumption is hugely reduced because instead of using the free time to scroll on my computer, I’d much rather be reading or doing something else. Oh, and it goes without saying, but the tabs don’t remain open for the day if I checked them in the morning.

I enjoyed this detox because it taught me a lot about my preferences. I realised I need to find a hobby that keeps me moving and active. I realised I enjoy spending time alone with my thoughts. In this regard, I got to realise how much my own thoughts were fogged by the massive information swirl in which I let myself caught. Spending time by myself to process is definitely something I want to keep doing. Also, I learned how to live through the impulse of procrastinating on the most difficult tasks.

To conclude, the biggest advantage my experience had was that I got to feel more grounded. The biggest disadvantage was that I had to face the feelings that usually made me procrastinate. Accepting one isn’t perfect is hard practice.

Make today count!

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