I decided to write this post in which I look back at 2022 and what I want for 2023. If I learned anything in the last couple of years is that much is not up to us, therefore I will focus mostly on the last year. While doing all this, I insert photos from 2022, ar least one for each month. Like this one!
(7 mins read) I post some reflexions about work and pictures from my belated celebrations of turning 33.
(5 mins read) A day in a life – hiking in Brasov <3
(3 mins read) Poze din Grădina Botanică pentru cei cu nume de flori. Să ne trăiți
(3 mins read) Câteva poze de la începutul primăverii în 2021. Am pozat magnoliile întâlnite în plimbarea pe care am făcut-o săptămâna aceasta într-un după-amiază târzie.
(8 mins read) This post is rather unstructured. I present the report of what I achieved in the last three months compared to what I planned; I argue that progress happens when we are consistent in our actions and not only when we do all that we planned to do – especially when what we want is hard and requires practice and focus.
(7 mins read) I am fortunate enough to live through good days. But, as people, we experience some less than good days as well. I am addressing in this post what I do when I have one of these less than awesome days and how I try to turn them around.
(15 mins read) In this post I look back at the last year on how much I learned regarding online teaching. I heard people mentioning the phrase “forced experiment” in relation to our ‘new normal’. I must say, I can’t but use this opportunity to learn about the ups and downs of virtual learning and consider its role in my work. Make today count!
(10 mins read) This is both written in Romanian and English.
RO: Descriu cum și de ce cred că am primit cadoul perfect. Sper că ajută ce să cauți când vrei să faci o surpriză plăcută cuiva.
EN: I describe how and why I believe I received the perfect gift. Hope this helps clarify what to look for when you want to pleasantly surprise someone.
(5 mins read) Scriu despre ce putem face pentru a ne simți mai bine în pandemie și pun poze de la o minunatată plimbare mai lungă pe care am făcut-o când era soare și -10 grade.
(9 mins read) This post is about how I overcome the reasons to not workout. Ignoring is part of the process, but it has more to it than just that.
(4 mins read) A little post with pictures from Brașov in winter. There’s not much to tell, but I also included an excuse for why I haven’t posted last week. Make today count!
(7 mins read) This is a little post with my plans for 2021. One is starting s Book Club on Nonfiction! Happy New Year!
(3 mins read) This is a post of how my week went and a little bit on my thought about how we’ll be spending Christmas. I’ve also included a big eyed photo of us from the walk we took earlier today.
(10 mins read) This is a post about my process for planning for 2021. It’s about how and why I do it. I hope it inspires you to reflect about 2020 and think about what you want to make happen for yourself in the new year.