Photos from my walks.

I am committed to posing each Saturday. In the last couple of weeks thought, I’ve faced problems in keeping up with it. The main reason is that I focused more on reading, writing, teaching, reviewing student’s papers and walking or doing some form of sports.

Also, I may have pressured myself to stay focus on work because I am under the impression that I said “yes” to too many projects. I find it funny when people say that I should learn to say “no” more often. I do know how to do it and I do it. Every once in a while though, I receive more collaboration proposals at once and I don’t want to say “no” to any of them. What I want is more time to complete them, but that’s not always possible. So, there I go, prioritising some projects over others.

Hence, here I go posting some pictures from my walks in 2021.

Because I mostly work in the morning, I get to see the outside at night. I took many pictures of that, but, as it’s clear from the pictures below, these are not very clear.

Here’s a snowman seen outside a take-out place.
My favourite park in Brașov. Close to the main train station and Coresi business park, it’s a nice place where to run and workout, walk and hang out with.friends. It’s also where I learned for the end of high-school exam in the spring of 2008.
Same park; the building on the left is the ice-skating-rink

Once a week, I try to walk to and from the city centre during the day. It is lovely, especially during winter. In the weekend though, it’s crowded, so I am trying to avoid the main streets. This is the last photo I took of the Christmas tree.

Brașov, January 2021.
Favourite spot on the Aleea de sub Tâmpa.
Trees on Tâmpa covered by snow.

I hope January was kind to you so far. In case you want to read more in 2021 and think to join a non-fiction club, join mine. More information on the book I am reading now is available HERE.

Make today count!

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