Why I went and what I got from Gaudeamus book fair.
(8 mins read) This post is rather unstructured. I present the report of what I achieved in the last three months compared to what I planned; I argue that progress happens when we are consistent in our actions and not only when we do all that we planned to do – especially when what we want is hard and requires practice and focus.
(10 mins read) This is both written in Romanian and English.
RO: Descriu cum și de ce cred că am primit cadoul perfect. Sper că ajută ce să cauți când vrei să faci o surpriză plăcută cuiva.
EN: I describe how and why I believe I received the perfect gift. Hope this helps clarify what to look for when you want to pleasantly surprise someone.
(4 mins read) A little post with pictures from Brașov in winter. There’s not much to tell, but I also included an excuse for why I haven’t posted last week. Make today count!
(5 mins read) An update and a book recommendation. Read the book and tell me what you think!
(5 mins read) Încerc să-mi creez un nou obicei, la finalul căruia să știu o limbă nouă. Descriu ce și cum în postare și dezvălui cartea pe care o încep curând. Azi.
(5 mins read) How was it like to launch a book during COVID-19 pandemic. Bucharest, 25.07.2020, Coffee Factory, Reziliența de Bogdan Hrib.
(5 mins read) And now, with the social implications of the efforts undertaken to limit the spread of Covid-19, I believe it’s even more stringent than ever to recognise our emotions and to acknowledge them. It’s fine to be happy that we don’t have to go out or that we can work from home. It’s fine to be frustrated or even angry by uncertainty. It’s ok to miss friends and people you haven’t seen in a long time. It’s ok to feel powerless in your attempts to change the world.
(6 min read). Am scris o scurtă postare despre ultima carte de ficțiune pe care am citit-o. Este despre reziliență, căutarea sinelui și acceptarea trecutului.
I wrote a little post about the last fiction book I read. It is about resilience, soul searching and making peace with the past.
The post is written in English and translated in Romanian.
(10 mins read) I write this post in English about a book I recently read and enjoyed very much. Let me know if you read it too, maybe we make an online discussion about it.
(5 mins read) În română și engleză 5 motive pentru care să vii la Clubul de Carte în 18.03.2020. Apasă pe titlu pentru mai multe detalii. Click on the title to learn why I believe you shouldn’t skip the first meeting of the Book Club on the 18.03.2020.
(10 mins read) We’re starting a book club so come join us on our first meeting.
We’ll meet on Wednesday, 18.03.2020, from 16:00-18:00, at FSAS. Read the post for more details.
(10 mins read) I need to warn the readers from the start that this post is focused on negative aspects concerning my experience with audio-books. I write about the lessons I learned for myself after using an audio-book app on my phone for about a year. I point out 5 reasons why I stopped consuming new audio-books, considering my own experience.
(8 mins read) This post is about how I perceived my activities during the 4th week of May 2019, when I spent most days out of Bucharest.