One of the things of which I always what to do more, although I am already doing it more than before, is reading. Reading more :).
There was a time in my first year at the University of Bucharest when I realized I was reading all the time. I read in the subway, I read for classes, I read on the bus, I read in the dorm, I read in the train, I went to the library fairly regularly. I liked the feeling and I kept doing it. At some point however, things changed, as I started working more and volunteering and so I spent more and more time with other people. It was no problem, I love both spending time with people and reading. Doing both of these at the time is something I seldom try, though.
However, despite working on my Phd and organizing my seminars and working in project management, in late 2017 I’ve felt that my reading time brought less and less satisfaction. I read, but it was reading for work and although there was some pleasure in it, it was the kind of reading I must have remembered after finalizing the piece. I missed reading for pleasure. I missed to immerse in reading while the story unfolds uninterested to remember the names of the characters and the exact story line. Just for a couple of hours, I wanted to passively observe how other people from another location or century made life changing decisions.
In a way, I only realized this when I started reading my 27th birthday present from my besties from high-school. I got three of the Isabel Allende books in 2017: the Japanese Lover (Amantul japonez), My invented country (Tara mea inventata) and Of love and shadows (Despre dragoste si umbra) which they picked for me. I loved reading each one of them. Quite different stories, but with a similar style. And I didn’t stop there as I continued to read books written by Isabel Allende. Why changing something which serves you well? Until now, to my reading collection are added In the midst of winter (Dincolo de iarna), which is my favorite and Eva Luna. I’ve started to read Paula quite recently and next on my list is Ripper (Jocul Ripper).
I’m having fun reading both fiction and non-fiction. In order to blend need and pleasure, I’ve decided it’s alright to juggle with reading more books at a time. I used to believe this is something one shouldn’t do, because, really, why would one do this? “Start something, finish it and then start something new”, it’s what I used to think. Unfortunately, this made no sense to me any longer. It basically meant to keep reading non-fiction and live with the sorrow of missing out on something I actually knew I enjoyed doing. But not any more. Maybe in the morning one (me) wants to read non-fiction. In the evening, before sleeping, fiction may contribute to sweeter dreams (or sweeter nightmares, but this is a story for another time).
What about you? What are your reading ? What do you think about reading more than a book at a time? Thank you for sharing your thoughts in the comment section below.
And don’t forget: make this day count too!
Best, Anca