(8 mins read) This post is rather unstructured. I present the report of what I achieved in the last three months compared to what I planned; I argue that progress happens when we are consistent in our actions and not only when we do all that we planned to do – especially when what we want is hard and requires practice and focus.
(7 mins read) I am fortunate enough to live through good days. But, as people, we experience some less than good days as well. I am addressing in this post what I do when I have one of these less than awesome days and how I try to turn them around.
(7 mins read) This is a post about how to write an e-mail. It includes descriptions, it includes tips and it includes an example în both Romanian and English. The main part is written in English. What else would you add to the list?
(7 mins read) This is a little post with my plans for 2021. One is starting s Book Club on Nonfiction! Happy New Year!
(10 mins read) I was about to write a post about the magic of Friday evenings. I am very fond of them and I just figured it’s time for a chilled, warm feeling post. Somehow, I managed to get to my tips to combat procrastination. I could revise the post and change it, but this is how my mind works. I got more philosophical by the end. Have a great week!!
(7 mins read) In this post I write about what I miss about my life before covid. It’s something that surprised me, actually. I miss other things too, but I focus on this one small thing that made my life better. I also mention how I organise my to-do-list; sorry, I just can’t help it.
(7 mins read) I’ve ended October by carving a pumpkin. I tell the story of why and how I did it, as I hope this marks the beginning of a new family tradition.
(10 mins read) I write about the power of autumns [and Tuesdays] to start something new. I believe it’s a great time to take on a new adventure and to start something we kept postponing. The year is not over yet and it’s still time to make 2020 be a better one.
(15 mins read) Here are some of the life lessons I learned so far. I love to read lists like these, so why not make one myself, I thought. Hope you enjoy it and resonate with at least one of my findings. I’d love to read yours as well.
(3 mins read) This is a small update on how I’m doing.
(5 mins) Quick post in English with a top leadership tip I believe to be essential for good work relationship which ultimately leads to great results. Hope you’re making today count!
(5 mins read) This is a quick check-in with myself after spending about a week less connected to social media than I usually am.
(7 mins read) This post is in English only. I mention five pieces of advice that help me working from home without hating it. What’s your advice regarding this topic?
(5 mins read) Versiune în RO & version în EN.
In această postare scriu despre cea mai presantă chestiune din viața mea din prezent și aceasta este să mă obișnuiesc să predau în mediul virtual. Nu este o perioadă grozavă pentru sănătatea mondială acum. Sunt presată să încerc instrumente pe care voiam să le testez de ceva timp oricum, așa că mă aștept să am o auto-izolare la domiciliu extrem de productivă.
EN version: In this post I am discussing the most pressing issue in my life right now and that is getting used to teaching online. It’s not a great period for world health right now. I am pressured to try out tools I wanted to try for quite some time now, so I am expecting to have an extremely productive auto-isolation time at home.
(7 mins read) Is working from home a good idea? I keep going back and forth on it. What do you think?